The head of the OSCE Office in Baku, Ambassador Koray Tarkay visited Khazar University. First, he met with the founder of Khazar University and Chairman of its Board of Directors and Trustees, Professor Hamlet Isaxanli. The parties discussed cooperation between the OSCE Office in Baku and Khazar University. H. Isaxanli introduced the OSCE representative to students and gave information about his life and activities. Speaking on the theme of “OSCE – Azerbaijan: the road we’ve traveled in 20 years” for a student audience, the ambassador also answered their numerous questions. At the end of the meeting, Baba Bayramli, the director of the Politics Institute at Khazar, expressed gratitude to the Ambassador for the interesting lecture. Then Ambassador Tarkay and the president of Khazar University, Professor John Ryder, met and exchanged opinions.
Ambassador Koray Tarqay was accompanied by Rashad Huseynov, Head of the Press and Public Information Department of the OSCE Office in Baku, in the meetings.