From May 17-24, 2024, second-year Biology Education students from Khazar University’s School of Science and Engineering visited the Genetic Resources Institute (GRI) of the Ministry of Science and Education of the AR, under the supervision of Jamala Eldarova, head of the Life Sciences Department. The students were given detailed information about the scientific research conducted in the “Ecobotany and Systematics,” “Molecular Cytogenetics,” and “Biochemical Genetics and Technology” departments, as well as in the “Embryo Plasma Laboratory” and the institute’s experimental field, including the practical applications of these research results. They also familiarized themselves with the relevant devices and equipment.

Hamlet Sadigov, head of the “Biochemical Genetics and Technology” department and doctor of biological sciences, provided extensive information about significant agricultural plants, the electrophoretic analysis of gliadin and gluten reserve proteins in wheat grain endosperm, and polymorphism determination, and introduced them to the practical field. Leading researcher Ilhama Mirzaliyeva discussed the Central Database, while senior researcher Elnura Jafarova explained the registration, restoration, exchange, and verification of plant seed sample germination capacity in the gene bank. Kamala Asadova, a scientific worker in the “Ecobotany and Systematics” department, introduced the students to the institute’s Herbarium fund and detailed the collection of wild ancestors of cultivated plants during expeditions to various regions of Azerbaijan. In the “Molecular Cytogenetics” department, junior researcher Rahim Rahimov introduced the students to cytogenetic analysis methods and the procedures for preparing chromosome preparations.