The 1st National Education Summit of the Republic was held on May 25, 2024 at the Downtown Campus of Khazar University in the Fikret Amirov Conference-Concert Center, jointly organized by the Education Society of the Republic of Azerbaijan, “Educational Future” Education Development Public Union and Khazar University. About 250 representatives of the educational community attended the summit.

After the National Anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan was played, attendees observed a moment of silence to honor the martyrs who died for the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. The event’s moderator, Assoc. Prof. Nardana Yusifova, a member of the Board of the Education Society of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Doctor of Philosophy in Art Studies, welcomed the participants and introduced Prof. Acad. Hamlet Isakhanli, the founder of Khazar University and chairman of the Board of Directors and Trustees. H.Isakhanli gave an extensive report on “Management of Changes in Education,” emphasizing the necessity of educational changes due to evolving global demands and the importance of incorporating technology and innovations. Jeyhun Mammadov, a deputy of the Milli Majlis, highlighted the urgency of accelerating these processes and stressed that selecting the right management team and creating a healthy team are crucial factors.

Then, Rector of Sumgayit State University Rufat Azizov, MP Parvin Karimzade, and Chairman of the Education Development Public Union “Educational Future” Sona Aliyeva spoke.

Honored artist Fargana Gasimova performed during the artistic part of the event.

In conclusion, Murad Agalarov, Chairman of the Board of the Education Society of the Republic of Azerbaijan, delivered a speech expressing gratitude to the event participants.

Certificates were presented to the participants.

News about the summit was published by AZERTAC Information Agency, as well as various news portals and websites.