Humanitar və Sosial Elmlər – Hamlet İsaxanlı Rəsmi saytı Fri, 15 Mar 2024 06:29:14 +0000 azb hourly 1 [:az]Keçmişin fəlsəfəsi və ya tarix necə yazılır?[:] Tue, 07 Nov 2017 08:40:07 +0000 [:az]1-ci hissə (Zaman, yaş və eralar / Tarixdə dövrləşmə / Yeni dövr mütəfəkkirlərinin yeni dövrləşmə prinsipləri / Sivilizasiyaların çöküşü haqqında)
2-ci hissə (Necə tarix və hansı tarixçi? / Daha bir ümumdünya cazibə qüvvəsi (və ya tarixin təhlükəsi…) / Birtərəfli baxış mənzərəni tam görməyə imkan vermir)
3-cü hissə (Tarixdə şəxslərin və təsadüflərin rolu / Dil və tarix)
4-cü hissə (Mif, tarix və ədəbiyyat)
5-ci hissə (Tarix elmdir, yoxsa sənət?)
6-cı hissə (Tarix sənət kimi. Tarix yazıçılığı / Tarix necə yazılır? Ümumi prinsiplər / Tarixyazmada mərkəzəqaçma qüvvələri)
7-ci hissə (Çərçivələr içində tarixyazma / Tarixyazmadakı yalan və yanlışlar haqqında tarixçilər nə deyir?)
8-ci hissə (Tarixyazmada xarici düşmən obrazı)
9-cu hissə (İbn Xəldun və tarix fəlsəfəsi / “Kitab əl-İbar” və “Müqəddimə” / İbn Xəldunun sivilizasiya və hakimiyyət fəlsəfəsi)
10-cu hissə (Tarixdə dövlət və hakimiyyət fəlsəfəsi. Qədim dövr)
11-ci hissə (Tarixdə dövlət və hakimiyyət fəlsəfəsi. İslam)
12-ci hissə (Tarixdə dövlət və hakimiyyət fəlsəfəsi. Avropa – orta əsrlər)
13-cü hissə (Tarixin hərəkətverici qüvvələri. Tarix və tərəqqi)
14-cü hissə (Tarixin hərəkətverici qüvvələri. Tarix və tərəqqi (2)
15-ci hissə
16-cı hissə
17-ci hissə (Psixologiya və tarix)
18-ci hissə (Mürəkkəb sistemlər və tarix)[:]

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[:az]Elm və fəlsəfə tarixi. Qədim dövr[:en]History of Science and Philosophy: Ancient Times[:] Thu, 20 Feb 2014 08:31:34 +0000 [:az]1-ci mühazirə.Tarix, elm və fəlsəfə. Anlayışlar və ideyalar (mətn)

1-ci mühazirə. Tarix, elm və fəlsəfə. Anlayışlar və ideyalar (təqdimat)

2-ci mühazirə. Yunanlar. Elmi məktəblər (mətn)

2-ci mühazirə. Yunanlar. Elmi məktəblər (təqdimat)

3-cü mühazirə. Pifaqorçu kainat modeli. Filolay (mətn)

3-cü mühazirə. Kroton`lu Filolay/Philolaos (təqdimat)

4-cü mühazirə. Afina. Siyasi və mədəni mühit (mətn)

4-cü mühazirə. Afina. Siyasi və mədəni mühit (təqdimat)

5-ci mühazirə. Platon və Platon Akademiyası (mətn)

5-ci mühazirə. Platon və Platon Akademiyası (təqdimat)

6-cı mühazirə. Platon`un müasirləri (mətn)

6-cı mühazirə. Platon`un müasirləri (təqdimat)

7-ci mühazirə. Platon Akademiyası: Başlanğıc dövr, Riyaziyyat və Astronomiya (mətn)

7-ci mühazirə. Akademiya. Başlanğıc. Riyaziyyat (təqdimat)

8-ci mühazirə. Aristotelin kosmoqoniya və kosmologiyası (mətn)

8-ci mühazirə. Aristotelin kosmoqoniya/kosmologiyası (təqdimat)

9-cu mühazirə. Aristotelin əxlaq fəlsəfəsi (Etika) (mətn)

9-cu mühazirə. Aristotelin əxlaq fəlsəfəsi/etikası (təqdimat)

10-cu mühazirə. Dörd Afina məktəbi (mətn)

10-cu mühazirə. Dörd Afina məktəbi (təqdimat)

11-ci mühazirə. Hellenistik dövr fəlsəfəsi haqqında (mətn)

11-ci mühazirə. Epikuros Bağı (təqdimat)

12-ci mühazirə. Evklid (mətn)

12-ci mühazirə. Evklid və “Elementlər” (təqdimat)

13-cü mühazirə. Astronom Aristarxos (mətn)

13-cü mühazirə. Aristarxos. Apollonius (təqdimat)[:en]


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Sevgi və poeziyaə_poeziya_məqaləsi.pdf#new_tabə_poeziya_məqaləsi.pdf#new_tab#respond Mon, 04 Nov 2013 13:48:17 +0000ə_poeziya_məqaləsi.pdf#new_tab/feed/ 0 Keçid İqtisadiyyatında təhsil sistemi Fri, 22 Jun 2012 06:48:48 +0000

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Elm və Sənət məclisi Fri, 22 Jun 2012 06:35:37 +0000

]]> 0 Wed, 18 Jan 2012 11:14:21 +0000 [:az]2015

“Aydın yol” qəzetinə müsahibə

Qəribə dünya və qəribə fikir dünyası

Xəbə saytına müsahibə

Xəzər Xəbər

“Yeni Azerbaycan Şiiri ve Hamlet İsahanlı”. Metin Turan. “Kültür-kimlik ekseninde Türk Edebiyatı”,ürün yayınları,Ankara,2015″ kitabında,s.181-190

Azərbaycanda ali təhsilin inkişafı




 “History and Policy of Translating Poetry: Azerbaijan and Its Neighbors,” Meta: journal des traducteurs / Meta: Translators’ Journal, Volume 59, Number 2, August 2014, p. 310-329, Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal. ISSN: 0026-0452 (print)  1492-1421 (digital); DOI: 10.7202/1027478ar

History and Policy of Translating Poetry: Azerbaijan and its Neighbors

Meta : journal des traducteurs / Meta: Translators’ Journal

The bibliographical information for the journal article is:

“HAMLET ISAKHANLI Wavering Azerbaijani Literati Views of America: From the

Russian Tsarist through the Modern Periods. Journal of American Studies,

Available on CJO 2014 doi:10.1017/S0021875813001990”

“Diversification of post-secondary education in Azerbaijan,” chapter in The Diversification of Post-Secondary Education, ed. N.V.Varghese, UNESCO IIEP, 2014, p. 45-58. Download text here

Presentation at joint meeting of Ministry of Education and Ministry of Finance (June 27, 2014, Hyatt Regency, Baku)


“İrs-Miras” məqalə

Atilla jurnalı

Aydın Yol qəzetində poetik tərcümə saytına musahibə

Hazana Övgü 

İpək yolu müsahibə

Kaspi qəzetinə müsahibə saytına müsahibə saytına müsahibə

Amalından dönməyən fədai – Əlövsət Osmanlı

Xəlil Məcidoğlu 525-ci qəzet



Kaspi qəzetinə müsahibə

Aydın xan Əbilov Nəsrəddin Tusi …..

Azərbaycanda yeni Akademiya

Futbol+qol qəzetinə müsahibə saytına müsahibə

Koroglu İsmixan əmi 

Dinlərlə tanışlıq necə baş verir?

Məntiq ve imtahan kitabı 

Xəzər Texnoparkı saytına müsahibə

Zöhrə Əliyeva

В женщине должны присутствовать нежность, ум и красота, этого вполне достаточно

Əli Rza Xələfli , “Həyatın Dastanı” ədəbi-fəlsəfi düşüncələr

Çin və Azərbaycan

Китай и Азербайджан

Düşündürən poeziya 

Günün adamı

Qurban Bayramov. Müasir şeirin xanı, poetik ruhun Məsihi Hamlet İsaxanlı. (Əli Rza Xələfli. “Həyatın Dastanı”: ədəbi-fəlsəfi düşüncələr. Bakı, 2012). “Kredo” qəzeti. 8 iyun, 2013. Səh. 4, 6, 8.
Qənirə Paşayeva. Dünyanı dəyişən alimlər. Bakı, “Elm-Təhsil” nəşriyyatı, 2013 (Məsləhətçilər: Hamlet İsaxanlı, Qəzənfər Paşayev).
“Düşündürən poeziya”. Bax: Nijad. Rənglərin oyanışı III, Vektor nəşrlər evi, Bakı, 2013; səh. 282-290.
Borçalı ziyalısı Hamlet İsaxanlı. “Maarif” qəzeti, sentyabr 2013, № 01 (36), səh. 7-10. Gürcüstan Respublikası.
Security and Cross-Border Cooperation in the EU, the Black Sea Region and Southern Caucasus. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series – E: Human and Societal Dynamics. Volume107. 2013. Editors Ayça Ergun, Hamlet İsaxanlı. ISBN 978-1-61499-186-1 (print) | 978-1-61499-187-8 (online).
Hüseyn Tövfiqi. “Böyük dinlərlə tanışlıq”. Redaktor və önsöz
Elmi məktəb keçən istedadlı şəxs məktəb yarada bilər. Bax: “Böyük alim, böyük
şəxsiyyət (Fəxrəddin Veysəlli)”, Mütərcim, Bakı, 2013; səh.147-148.



Interview for the newspaper “Aydin yol”

Our strange world and the strange world of ideas

Interview for the site

Khazar view 

“Yeni Azerbaycan Şiiri ve Hamlet İsahanlı”.Metin Turan.”Kültür-kimlik ekseninde Türk Edebiyatı”,ürün yayınları,Ankara,2015″ kitabında,s.181-190

The development of higher education in Azerbaijan




 “History and Policy of Translating Poetry: Azerbaijan and Its Neighbors,” Meta: journal des traducteurs / Meta: Translators’ Journal, Volume 59, Number 2, August 2014, p. 310-329, Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal. ISSN: 0026-0452 (print)  1492-1421 (digital); DOI: 10.7202/1027478ar

History and Policy of Translating Poetry: Azerbaijan and its Neighbors

Meta : journal des traducteurs / Meta: Translators’ Journal

The bibliographical information for the journal article is:

“HAMLET ISAKHANLI Wavering Azerbaijani Literati Views of America: From the

Russian Tsarist through the Modern Periods. Journal of American Studies,

Available on CJO 2014 doi:10.1017/S0021875813001990”

“Diversification of post-secondary education in Azerbaijan,” chapter in The Diversification of Post-Secondary Education, ed. N.V.Varghese, UNESCO IIEP, 2014, p. 45-58. Download text here

Presentation at joint meeting of Ministry of Education and Ministry of Finance (June 27, 2014, Hyatt Regency, Baku)


Irs-miras article 

Journal Atilla

 Aydin_Yol. poetic translation

Interview for the site

Hazana Övgü 

Interview for Ipek Yolu

Interview for the newspaper Kaspi

Interview for the site

Interview for the site

The article about Alovset Osmanli

Khalil Majid the newspaper 525



Interview for Kaspi

Aydin Khan Abilov “Nasreddin Tusi….

New Academy in Azerbaijan

Interview for Futbol+qol 

Interview for the site

Koroglu İsmixan emi 

Dinlərlə tanışlıq necə baş verir?

Məntiq ve imtahan kitabı

Khazar Technopark 

Interview for the site 

Zohra Aliyeva

В женщине должны присутствовать нежность, ум и красота, этого вполне достаточно

Əli Rza Xələfli , “Həyatın Dastanı” ədəbi-fəlsəfi düşüncələr

Çin və Azərbaycan 

Китай и Азербайджан

Düşündürən poeziya.

Günün adamı  

Qurban Bayramov. Müasir şeirin xanı, poetik ruhun Məsihi Hamlet İsaxanlı. (Əli Rza Xələfli. “Həyatın Dastanı”: ədəbi-fəlsəfi düşüncələr. Bakı, 2012). “Kredo” qəzeti. 8 iyun, 2013. Səh. 4, 6, 8.

Qənirə Paşayeva. Dünyanı dəyişən alimlər. Bakı, “Elm-Təhsil” nəşriyyatı, 2013 (Məsləhətçilər: Hamlet İsaxanlı, Qəzənfər Paşayev).
“Düşündürən poeziya”. Bax: Nijad. Rəngərin oyanışı III, Vektor nəşrlər evi, Bakı, 2013; səh. 282-290.
Borçalı ziyalısı Hamlet İsaxanlı. “Maarif” qəzeti, Sentyabr 2013, № 01 (36), səh. 7-10. Gürcüstan Respublikası.
Security and Cross-Border Cooperation in the EU, the Black Sea Region and Southern Caucasus. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series – E: Human and Societal Dynamics. Volume107. 2013. Editors Ayça Ergun, Hamlet Isaxanli. ISBN 978-1-61499-186-1 (print) | 978-1-61499-187-8 (online).
Hüseyn Tövfiqi. “Böyük dinlərlə tanışlıq” . Redaktor və önsöz
Elmi məktəb keçən istedadlı şəxs məktəb yarada bilər. Bax:“Böyük alim, böyük
şəxsiyyət (Fəxrəddin Veysəlli)”, Mütərcim, Bakı, 2013; səh.147-148.


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“Xəzərin Sorağında” Thu, 12 Jan 2012 08:46:01 +0000 0 [:en]E-lnterview with Prof Hamlet Isaxanli[:de]E-lnterview mit Prof Hamlet Isaxanli[:] Thu, 12 Jan 2012 07:09:39 +0000 [:en](Caspian crossroads” Volume 6, Issue 2, Summer 2002 The US-Azerbaijan Council)[:de]The Caspian Crossroads, Band 6, Heft 2, Sommer 2002 Die US-Azerbaijan Council)[:][:en]

Professor Isaxanli is the founder and president of Khazar University located in Baku, Azerbaijan. Khazar University was founded in 1991 and was the first private university to be established in the former Soviet Union. Khazar University is a research-oriented university with strong and innovative programs geared towards educating a new gen¬eration of leaders for a new and open model of society based on a market economy.

Q) Prof Isaxanli could you please give us an overview of the state of the education system in Azerbaijan (a) prior to independence and (b) in the aftermath of independence?

An overview of the state of the education system in Azerbaijan during the period defined as “prior to independence” leads us to look back at Azerbaijan’s history. Before the division of Azerbaijan between the Russian and Iranian empires that occurred in 1828 there was basically one Azerbaijan, and its educational system was like that in much of the Middle East – most schools were religious. The main languages of instruction were Persian and Arabic. During the late Middle Ages Azerbaijani Turkic was introduced in some schools. Starting in the 14th cen¬tury Azerbaijanis began composing poetry in Azerbaijani, which vied with Farsi for dominance in Azerbaijani culture, progressively achieving the leading role. Around that time in Maragha, near Tabriz, a university, research and training center with an observatory existed that distinguished itself in non-Euclidian geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, physics, and ethics. However, a general decline in scientific research and education began in the Muslim world during the 14th century, just as religion became more central in school curricula. The number of high quality schools declined, and higher learning institutions continued to exist only in important urban centers of the Muslim East. Later, in the period of the Azerbaijani khanates (principalities) in the 18th and first decade of the 19th centuries the role of the Azerbaijani lan¬guage became more visible in schools. After the Turkmanchay treaty of 1828 between Russia and Iran, the northern section of Azerbaijan became part of Russia, and South Azerbaijan remained with Iran (Northern Azerbaijan is where the modern Republic of Azerbaijan is located today). Educational development in Northern Azerbaijan from 1828 to 1918 was defined by Russia’s policy to replace Persian with increased use of the Azerbaijani language, while at the same time making Russian the primary language of instruction. Academic programs and curricula were developed in a cooperative effort between Azerbaijani intellectu¬als and Russian educators. The following types of schools arose: • Religious, but with introductory courses in secular subjects; • Secular, but with compulsory religious subjects; • Russian-Tatar schools, secular and bilingual; these schools contributed to the rise of the modern Azerbaijani intelligentsia. For higher education, students would mainly go to Russia and Europe. Azerbaijan’s two-years of independence (1918-1920) before the country became part of the Soviet Union was not long enough for it to develop a national system of education, but three things were established: 1. A strong presence of the Azerbaijani language; 2. Minority rights education policy; 3. Azerbaijan State University (founded in 1920). About one hundred students were sent to Europe for higher education. The Soviet period brought rapid advances in literacy, which rose to almost 100{bfc55336e4ff6222fdefd37e4796b835df7d7e7d448a9434ed0d1257ecb5bff8} within 10-15 years. Under the Soviet Union, there were two types of higher-learning institutions: 1. Universities offering 5-year programs resulting in something like an M.A. or M.S. degree – each Soviet Republic had at least one University, comparable to an American college of arts and sciences (in many cases with Law); 2. Specialized higher learning institutions (such as institutes of Fine Arts, Economics/Finance, Civil or Petro-Chemical Engineering, Agriculture, Pedagogy/Teacher Training, etc.); some of these offered 4 or 5-year programs leading to something like a B.A. or B.S. After graduating from these universities and insti¬tutes, scholars could continue with a 3-year graduate program (“aspirantura”), leading to the Candidate of Science degree, akin to the American Ph.D. and then, a few of them could continue in pure research for a degree-doctor of science in certain fields.

One of the most important reforms of the Soviet period was the progressive language policy. Most students could get educated from start to finish in their own language. A student, say, with native Azerbaijani language in Georgia could attend pri¬mary and secondary schools in Azerbaijani, study Russian as a second language, English/French/ German as a foreign language, and have classes in Georgian. The language of instruction in higher learning insti¬tutions in Azerbaijan was mostly Azerbaijani, with Russian in second place. For every 100 students majoring in Mathematics and studying in Azerbaijani, there would be a group of 25 or 50 math students studying in Russian. In the five Central Asian Republics, in comparison, the language of instruction at higher education was primarily Russian. The learning process was otherwise uniform across the Soviet Union: there was one textbook in each subject for the entire country and one curriculum for each course of study (Physics, Calculus, etc.) in the primary and secondary schools. The positive aspect of this system was that the textbooks were of high quality and often updated. On the negative side, it was difficult to inspire initiative and impossible to make changes. National identity (non-Russian) was not reflected sufficiently in the curriculum. In the 1970s and 80s especially, corruption and bribery penetrated educational activities, for example in entrance examinations. In the aftermath of independence the education sys¬tem in Azerbaijan has experienced changes, particu¬larly in higher learning.

(Q) Similarly could you give us an overview of where the education system stands today in Azerbaijan?

Post-Soviet Azerbaijan’s education system has expe¬rienced changes, particularly in higher learning. There are now 28 public universities (with Soviet-like structures) and 15 private universities. Public universities get about half their money from the state budget, and the other half from tuition. Private uni¬versities do not get any public funding. There are a number of factors at present that have had a negative impact on the educational system, these include: • An economy in transition, plagued by corruption and bribery; • A poor tax system, at least as it concerns the edu¬cational system; • Poor libraries, weak access to knowledge and the development of knowledge; On the other hand, globalization has had a positive impact on education.

(Q) What are the main strengths of Azerbaijan’s education system?

The current features of Azerbaijan’s education sys¬tem are twofold- inherited from the Soviet past are quality curricula in fields like Natural Sciences, Applied Sciences, Engineering, but in general it is a strongly centralized educational system. The main strengths are: • Compulsory 11-year high-school education; • Existence of private universities along with the state (public) ones; • Ongoing reform in Education.

(Q) Similarly what are the main weaknesses in the education system and what is being done or should be done to address it?

The Azerbaijani education system is undergoing important changes. Independence by Azerbaijan demands that we have a modern and quality educational system. The main weaknesses, which impede the process of change, are rooted in a strongly centralized system, which suffers from corruption and the influence of kinship. Private universities are controlled by the state and regulated heavily even though regulation is not based on the established rule of law. The notions of an “Independent University” as well as “Academic Freedom” are almost not present. Political biases are still strongly considered and do influence the success of an educational institutions development. There are now many centers providing training in information technologies for librarians, students, etc., organized by individual universities as well as international foundations.

(Q) How would you compare the system of education in rural areas to urban areas in Azerbaijan?

High schools in the rural areas of Azerbaijan compared to the urban ones are deprived of certain basic conditions, including the lack of textbooks, teaching materials, poor facilities, power cuts, etc. Rural areas with concentrated Internally Displaced Peoples (IDPs) are provided with some support by the international humanitarian institutions.

Out of a total of 43 Azerbaijani public and private universities, more than 30 are located in Baku, the capital city of Azerbaijan. The rural population would mainly come to Baku to apply to the university and thus they suffer a disadvantageous level of preparation for state entrance exams.

(Q) With the Russian Cyrillic alphabet no longer in use what transition issues have Azeris encountered as the education system has passed onto using the Latin script?

Transition issues Azeris have encountered as the education system switched onto using the Latin script are concentrated around the local book indus¬try. The core issue here is publishing, including the development of books. Lack of textbooks and other resources still occur both at high schools and univer¬sities. Library collections are missing books in Latin Azeri. Important undertakings have been made through funding by US and European organizations, which bring money into the country to translate and publish the most important titles in different fields of Social Sciences, Law, Education, Journalism, Economics, Business, etc.

(Q) What is the state of affairs concerning state funding for education in Azerbaijan and is it ade¬quate to meet current and future needs?

Funding is done by the state at the high school level with very few private schools. Generally it is very low and does not cover even basic operational and maintenance expenses. State universities get about half of their money from the state budget, and the other half comes from tuition. Private universities do not get any public funding. To meet current and future needs of the education system in Azerbaijan funding for high schools should be a priority for the state.

(Q) Are any international organizations such as the World Bank involved in Azerbaijan’s educational system today?

And if so what are these organizations doing to help Azerbaijan? Since early 1990s when Azerbaijan got its independ¬ence many international organizations have been contributing to the reform of education in Azerbaijan. Among those the World Bank, European Union, UNICEF, Soros Foundation, IREX, Eurasia Foundation should be mentioned. Their involvement in today’s educational system varies from direct grants and/or credits for technical assistance to launching research and training pro¬grams focusing on different issues of reform.

(Q) Are Azeri students today being taught the skills that will enable them to compete in the international economy?

Different educational institutions provide different curricula. While some universities are still using out-of-date programs, texts and materials, there are many providing their students with contemporary knowledge and skills. Some private universities, like Khazar University, invite international profes¬sors to help in curriculum development and special skills training. Modern cases are being developed with the use of authentic local data.

(Q) How would you rate the state of training in information technologies in Azerbaijan?

Both state and private educational institutions are paying a good deal of attention to training programs in information technologies. The most recent suc¬cess to mention is the launching of the AzNet -Azerbaijani Academic Institutions Network, which is founded by five public and private universities under the auspices of the American Public Affairs Section Internet Access Training Project, IREX and Soros Foundation. This network provides connec¬tivity, local content Web development, and intensive training programs. Another important benefit is that AzNet is working on providing connectivity for rural educational institutions. So far Internet centers have been started in 6 different regions of the country. There are now many centers providing training in information technologies for librarians, students, etc., organized by individual universities as well as international foundations. Another benefit of this activity is making possible new projects in distance education.

(Q) As the founder of the first private university in the former Soviet Union, you clearly believe that the private sector has a great role to play in the educa¬tion system and in education policy, what would you identify as key elements for cooperation between governments in the FSU and the private sector as they seek to strengthen the education system of their respective countries?

Current development of the education policy in some FSU countries is in fact influenced by the private sector. Thus, the public sector in education in Azerbaijan has become a less direct producer on the education market. Almost 50{bfc55336e4ff6222fdefd37e4796b835df7d7e7d448a9434ed0d1257ecb5bff8} present higher edu¬cation institutions in Azerbaijan are newly estab¬lished entities. Though currently there is almost no cooperation between government and the private sector (few exceptions can be mentioned, like Khazar University internships with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) it is very important. The private sector should act as a clearinghouse for projects intended to have a wide impact on education in Azerbaijani primary and secondary schools and institutions of higher learning. The current change is embedded within different stages of the education system. Quality inconsistencies affect all layers of performance from individual to institutional. The development of new curricula, textbooks, teaching methods, special training programs, testing process¬es, evaluation mechanisms, accreditation system, etc. could be undertaken by private institutions. At the same time these activities should be run in close cooperation with the government under state support and assistance.

(Q) Could you tell us how you came to found Khazar University?

Starting in the middle 1980s I was teaching as a vis¬iting professor in Western Europe, Canada, Turkey, and then in the US and other countries. My experi¬ence helped me to compare different systems of edu¬cation. I understood that reform in Azerbaijan’s sys¬tem of education was necessary and could be done in two ways:

(1) by enacting gradual reform of the entire higher education system or
(2) by starting from ground zero – establishing a small university with new models.
The latter could have been done as a kind of a synthesis between an international per¬spective and national values. Government officials liked the idea of starting a new university. Although the government could not offer money, it did give permission to try. For details please refer to my article In Search of Khazar, Journal of Azerbaijani Studies Khazar University Press, 1998, vol.1, N 4
(Q) What were the main challenges you encountered in setting up the university?

Starting a new private English language research and educational institution under the Soviet regime was a big challenge. Among the main challenges I would mention attaining the following: academic freedom, strong student and faculty body, quality academic programs, no corruption, cooperation with North American and West European academic institutions, resistance to cultural imperialism, and university-industry relations.

(Q) It has been ten years since Khazar University was founded what would you say have been your biggest achievements?

The challenges we encountered in setting up the University turned to be our achievements. The biggest ones are recognition, including at the inter¬national level, and respect.

(Q) Finally professor Isaxanli could you kindly tell us what your aspirations are for the future of educa¬tion in Azerbaijan?

As my country Azerbaijan brings together West and East, I would like my University to serve as a lead¬ing research and educational institution, a center for excellence in education for the Central Eurasia region and of course the same goes for Azerbaijan. Thank You.[:de]

Professor Isaxanli ist der Gründer und Präsident des Khazar-Universität in Baku, Aserbaidschan. Khazar Universität wurde 1991 gegründet und war die erste private Hochschule in der ehemaligen Sowjetunion. Khazar Universität ist ein Forschungs-Universität mit starken und innovativen Programmen zur Erziehung einer neuen Generation von Führungskräften für eine neue und offene Modell der Gesellschaft, die auf Marktwirtschaft ausgerichtet ist.

Q) Prof Isaxanli could you please give us an overview of the state of the education system in Azerbaijan (a) prior to independence and (b) in the aftermath of independence?

An overview of the state of the education system in Azerbaijan during the period defined as “prior to independence” leads us to look back at Azerbaijan’s history. Before the division of Azerbaijan between the Russian and Iranian empires that occurred in 1828 there was basically one Azerbaijan, and its educational system was like that in much of the Middle East – most schools were religious. The main languages of instruction were Persian and Arabic. During the late Middle Ages Azerbaijani Turkic was introduced in some schools. Starting in the 14th cen¬tury Azerbaijanis began composing poetry in Azerbaijani, which vied with Farsi for dominance in Azerbaijani culture, progressively achieving the leading role. Around that time in Maragha, near Tabriz, a university, research and training center with an observatory existed that distinguished itself in non-Euclidian geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, physics, and ethics. However, a general decline in scientific research and education began in the Muslim world during the 14th century, just as religion became more central in school curricula. The number of high quality schools declined, and higher learning institutions continued to exist only in important urban centers of the Muslim East. Later, in the period of the Azerbaijani khanates (principalities) in the 18th and first decade of the 19th centuries the role of the Azerbaijani lan¬guage became more visible in schools. After the Turkmanchay treaty of 1828 between Russia and Iran, the northern section of Azerbaijan became part of Russia, and South Azerbaijan remained with Iran (Northern Azerbaijan is where the modern Republic of Azerbaijan is located today). Educational development in Northern Azerbaijan from 1828 to 1918 was defined by Russia’s policy to replace Persian with increased use of the Azerbaijani language, while at the same time making Russian the primary language of instruction. Academic programs and curricula were developed in a cooperative effort between Azerbaijani intellectu¬als and Russian educators. The following types of schools arose: • Religious, but with introductory courses in secular subjects; • Secular, but with compulsory religious subjects; • Russian-Tatar schools, secular and bilingual; these schools contributed to the rise of the modern Azerbaijani intelligentsia. For higher education, students would mainly go to Russia and Europe. Azerbaijan’s two-years of independence (1918-1920) before the country became part of the Soviet Union was not long enough for it to develop a national system of education, but three things were established: 1. A strong presence of the Azerbaijani language; 2. Minority rights education policy; 3. Azerbaijan State University (founded in 1920). About one hundred students were sent to Europe for higher education. The Soviet period brought rapid advances in literacy, which rose to almost 100{bfc55336e4ff6222fdefd37e4796b835df7d7e7d448a9434ed0d1257ecb5bff8} within 10-15 years. Under the Soviet Union, there were two types of higher-learning institutions: 1. Universities offering 5-year programs resulting in something like an M.A. or M.S. degree – each Soviet Republic had at least one University, comparable to an American college of arts and sciences (in many cases with Law); 2. Specialized higher learning institutions (such as institutes of Fine Arts, Economics/Finance, Civil or Petro-Chemical Engineering, Agriculture, Pedagogy/Teacher Training, etc.); some of these offered 4 or 5-year programs leading to something like a B.A. or B.S. After graduating from these universities and insti¬tutes, scholars could continue with a 3-year graduate program (“aspirantura”), leading to the Candidate of Science degree, akin to the American Ph.D. and then, a few of them could continue in pure research for a degree-doctor of science in certain fields.

One of the most important reforms of the Soviet period was the progressive language policy. Most students could get educated from start to finish in their own language. A student, say, with native Azerbaijani language in Georgia could attend pri¬mary and secondary schools in Azerbaijani, study Russian as a second language, English/French/ German as a foreign language, and have classes in Georgian. The language of instruction in higher learning insti¬tutions in Azerbaijan was mostly Azerbaijani, with Russian in second place. For every 100 students majoring in Mathematics and studying in Azerbaijani, there would be a group of 25 or 50 math students studying in Russian. In the five Central Asian Republics, in comparison, the language of instruction at higher education was primarily Russian. The learning process was otherwise uniform across the Soviet Union: there was one textbook in each subject for the entire country and one curriculum for each course of study (Physics, Calculus, etc.) in the primary and secondary schools. The positive aspect of this system was that the textbooks were of high quality and often updated. On the negative side, it was difficult to inspire initiative and impossible to make changes. National identity (non-Russian) was not reflected sufficiently in the curriculum. In the 1970s and 80s especially, corruption and bribery penetrated educational activities, for example in entrance examinations. In the aftermath of independence the education sys¬tem in Azerbaijan has experienced changes, particu¬larly in higher learning.

(Q) Similarly could you give us an overview of where the education system stands today in Azerbaijan?

Post-Soviet Azerbaijan’s education system has expe¬rienced changes, particularly in higher learning. There are now 28 public universities (with Soviet-like structures) and 15 private universities. Public universities get about half their money from the state budget, and the other half from tuition. Private uni¬versities do not get any public funding. There are a number of factors at present that have had a negative impact on the educational system, these include: • An economy in transition, plagued by corruption and bribery; • A poor tax system, at least as it concerns the edu¬cational system; • Poor libraries, weak access to knowledge and the development of knowledge; On the other hand, globalization has had a positive impact on education.

(Q) What are the main strengths of Azerbaijan’s education system?

The current features of Azerbaijan’s education sys¬tem are twofold- inherited from the Soviet past are quality curricula in fields like Natural Sciences, Applied Sciences, Engineering, but in general it is a strongly centralized educational system. The main strengths are: • Compulsory 11-year high-school education; • Existence of private universities along with the state (public) ones; • Ongoing reform in Education.

(Q) Similarly what are the main weaknesses in the education system and what is being done or should be done to address it?

The Azerbaijani education system is undergoing important changes. Independence by Azerbaijan demands that we have a modern and quality educational system. The main weaknesses, which impede the process of change, are rooted in a strongly centralized system, which suffers from corruption and the influence of kinship. Private universities are controlled by the state and regulated heavily even though regulation is not based on the established rule of law. The notions of an “Independent University” as well as “Academic Freedom” are almost not present. Political biases are still strongly considered and do influence the success of an educational institutions development. There are now many centers providing training in information technologies for librarians, students, etc., organized by individual universities as well as international foundations.

(Q) How would you compare the system of education in rural areas to urban areas in Azerbaijan?

High schools in the rural areas of Azerbaijan compared to the urban ones are deprived of certain basic conditions, including the lack of textbooks, teaching materials, poor facilities, power cuts, etc. Rural areas with concentrated Internally Displaced Peoples (IDPs) are provided with some support by the international humanitarian institutions.

Out of a total of 43 Azerbaijani public and private universities, more than 30 are located in Baku, the capital city of Azerbaijan. The rural population would mainly come to Baku to apply to the university and thus they suffer a disadvantageous level of preparation for state entrance exams.

(Q) With the Russian Cyrillic alphabet no longer in use what transition issues have Azeris encountered as the education system has passed onto using the Latin script?

Transition issues Azeris have encountered as the education system switched onto using the Latin script are concentrated around the local book indus¬try. The core issue here is publishing, including the development of books. Lack of textbooks and other resources still occur both at high schools and univer¬sities. Library collections are missing books in Latin Azeri. Important undertakings have been made through funding by US and European organizations, which bring money into the country to translate and publish the most important titles in different fields of Social Sciences, Law, Education, Journalism, Economics, Business, etc.

(Q) What is the state of affairs concerning state funding for education in Azerbaijan and is it ade¬quate to meet current and future needs?

Funding is done by the state at the high school level with very few private schools. Generally it is very low and does not cover even basic operational and maintenance expenses. State universities get about half of their money from the state budget, and the other half comes from tuition. Private universities do not get any public funding. To meet current and future needs of the education system in Azerbaijan funding for high schools should be a priority for the state.

(Q) Are any international organizations such as the World Bank involved in Azerbaijan’s educational system today?

And if so what are these organizations doing to help Azerbaijan? Since early 1990s when Azerbaijan got its independ¬ence many international organizations have been contributing to the reform of education in Azerbaijan. Among those the World Bank, European Union, UNICEF, Soros Foundation, IREX, Eurasia Foundation should be mentioned. Their involvement in today’s educational system varies from direct grants and/or credits for technical assistance to launching research and training pro¬grams focusing on different issues of reform.

(Q) Are Azeri students today being taught the skills that will enable them to compete in the international economy?

Different educational institutions provide different curricula. While some universities are still using out-of-date programs, texts and materials, there are many providing their students with contemporary knowledge and skills. Some private universities, like Khazar University, invite international profes¬sors to help in curriculum development and special skills training. Modern cases are being developed with the use of authentic local data.

(Q) How would you rate the state of training in information technologies in Azerbaijan?

Both state and private educational institutions are paying a good deal of attention to training programs in information technologies. The most recent suc¬cess to mention is the launching of the AzNet -Azerbaijani Academic Institutions Network, which is founded by five public and private universities under the auspices of the American Public Affairs Section Internet Access Training Project, IREX and Soros Foundation. This network provides connec¬tivity, local content Web development, and intensive training programs. Another important benefit is that AzNet is working on providing connectivity for rural educational institutions. So far Internet centers have been started in 6 different regions of the country. There are now many centers providing training in information technologies for librarians, students, etc., organized by individual universities as well as international foundations. Another benefit of this activity is making possible new projects in distance education.

(Q) As the founder of the first private university in the former Soviet Union, you clearly believe that the private sector has a great role to play in the educa¬tion system and in education policy, what would you identify as key elements for cooperation between governments in the FSU and the private sector as they seek to strengthen the education system of their respective countries?

Current development of the education policy in some FSU countries is in fact influenced by the private sector. Thus, the public sector in education in Azerbaijan has become a less direct producer on the education market. Almost 50{bfc55336e4ff6222fdefd37e4796b835df7d7e7d448a9434ed0d1257ecb5bff8} present higher edu¬cation institutions in Azerbaijan are newly estab¬lished entities. Though currently there is almost no cooperation between government and the private sector (few exceptions can be mentioned, like Khazar University internships with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) it is very important. The private sector should act as a clearinghouse for projects intended to have a wide impact on education in Azerbaijani primary and secondary schools and institutions of higher learning. The current change is embedded within different stages of the education system. Quality inconsistencies affect all layers of performance from individual to institutional. The development of new curricula, textbooks, teaching methods, special training programs, testing process¬es, evaluation mechanisms, accreditation system, etc. could be undertaken by private institutions. At the same time these activities should be run in close cooperation with the government under state support and assistance.

(Q) Could you tell us how you came to found Khazar University?

Starting in the middle 1980s I was teaching as a vis¬iting professor in Western Europe, Canada, Turkey, and then in the US and other countries. My experi¬ence helped me to compare different systems of edu¬cation. I understood that reform in Azerbaijan’s sys¬tem of education was necessary and could be done in two ways:

(1) by enacting gradual reform of the entire higher education system or
(2) by starting from ground zero – establishing a small university with new models.
The latter could have been done as a kind of a synthesis between an international per¬spective and national values. Government officials liked the idea of starting a new university. Although the government could not offer money, it did give permission to try. For details please refer to my article In Search of Khazar, Journal of Azerbaijani Studies Khazar University Press, 1998, vol.1, N 4
(Q) What were the main challenges you encountered in setting up the university?

Starting a new private English language research and educational institution under the Soviet regime was a big challenge. Among the main challenges I would mention attaining the following: academic freedom, strong student and faculty body, quality academic programs, no corruption, cooperation with North American and West European academic institutions, resistance to cultural imperialism, and university-industry relations.

(Q) It has been ten years since Khazar University was founded what would you say have been your biggest achievements?

The challenges we encountered in setting up the University turned to be our achievements. The biggest ones are recognition, including at the inter¬national level, and respect.

(Q) Finally professor Isaxanli could you kindly tell us what your aspirations are for the future of educa¬tion in Azerbaijan?

As my country Azerbaijan brings together West and East, I would like my University to serve as a lead¬ing research and educational institution, a center for excellence in education for the Central Eurasia region and of course the same goes for Azerbaijan. Thank You.[:]

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[:en]Current Trends in Education in Azerbaijan[:de]Aktuelle Trends in der Bildung in Aserbaidschan[:] Thu, 12 Jan 2012 07:07:42 +0000 [:en]A discussion with
Dr. Hamlet Isaxanli April 25, 2001
Caspian Studies Program, Harvard University[:de]Ein Gespräch mit
Professor Hamlet Isaxanli, 25. April 2001,
Caspian Studies Program, Harvard University[:][:en]

On April 25, Dr. Hamlet Isaxanli spoke about current trends in Azerbaijani education at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government in a seminar sponsored by the Caspian Studies Program. Dr.Isaxanli is president and founder of Khazar University in Baku, Azerbaijan. Khazar is one of the first private universities in the former Soviet Union, and the first in Azerbaijan.
Established in 1991, Khazar University ( is dedicated to reinforcing the idea of an open, pluralistic, democratic, market-oriented form of social organization.

Dr. Isaxanli, a mathematician by training, began with a lesson in history.

Before 1828, he explained, there was basically one Azerbaijan(Instead of two at present, first, Azerbaijan Republic, which was part of USSR,and now independent country and second, Azerbaijan as a North-West part of Iran) where the system of education was like that in the Middle East-some religious schools, some secular. Main languages of instruction were Farsi / Persian / and Arabic, and then in late middle ages also Azerbaijani turkic. Starting from 14th century in poetry Azerbaijani vied with Farsi and more and more becoming play a leading role. There was a University, research and training center with observatory in Maragha, near Tabriz in the Middle Ages, that distinguished itself in non-Euclidian geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, physics, and ethics.
General decline in scientific research and education begins in Muslim world from 14th century. The religious orientation in school curricula was strengthening. Number of high quality schools declines, and higher learning institutions continued to exist only in important urban centers of the Muslim East. In the period of Azerbaijani khanates / 18th century and first decade of 19th century / the role of Azerbaijani becomes more visible in schools.
However, after Turkmanchay treaty of 1828 between Russia and Iran, the Northern section of this nation became part of Russia, and the South Azerbaijan remains with Iran. Even now, the Azerbaijani people are divided between two countries, Republic of Azerbaijan, or “North Azerbaijan, “with population of 8 million, where speakers of Azerbaijani form about 7 million, and Iran, where there are 20-30 million ethnic Azerbaijanis / population estimates differ from source to source /. The education systems in these two countries are very divergent. We are going to discuss briefly educational development in Northern Azerbaijan, the ancestor of the modern Republic of Azerbaijan, and current trends in Azerbaijani education system will be considered.
From 1828 to 1918, in the beginning the Russia policy was to increase the use of Azerbaijani instead of Farsi and then to begin the teaching of Russian. Academic programs and curricula were developed in cooperation between Azerbaijani intellectuals and Russian educators. There were following type of schools:
Religious, but with introductory courses in secular subjects,
Secular, with compulsory religious subjects,
Russian-Tatar schools, secular and bilingual. These schools contributed to the rise of modern Azerbaijani intelligentsia.

For the higher education students would go mainly to Russia and Europe.

Azerbaijan’s two year independence period (1918-1920) before becoming part of the Soviet Union was not enough to develop a national system of education, but three things were established: 1) Influence of Azerbaijani strengthens as well as stressing of minority rights education policy, 2) Azerbaijan State University was founded / 1920 /, 3/ About one hundred students have been send to Europe for higher education.

The Soviet period brought rapid advances in literacy, which rose to 100{bfc55336e4ff6222fdefd37e4796b835df7d7e7d448a9434ed0d1257ecb5bff8} within a 10-15 years. Under the Soviet Union, there were two types of higher-learning institutions: 1) Universities offering 5 year programs similar to MA or MS programs; each Soviet Republic had own Universities /only one in small republics / which were compatible with American colleges of arts and sciences in many cases with the law. 2) Specialized higher learning institutions (such as institutes of fine arts, of economics, of civil or petro-chemical engineering, of pedagogy, etc). Some of them were offering 4-year programs off like a BA or BS, other 5-year programs. Following study at these universities and institutes, scholars could continue with a 3-year program / aspirantura /, leading to Candidate of Science degree, something like an American Ph.D.
One of the most important reforms of the Soviet period was the progressive language policy: any student could get educated from start to finish in her own language. A student with native Azerbaijani language in Georgia could have school in Azerbaijani , study Russian as a second language, French as a foreign language, and have classes in Georgian, said Isaxanli (in his own case, himself born in Georgia).Language of instruction in higher learning institutions were mostly Azerbaijani, Russian was in the second place, e.g. for a group of 100 students majoring in Mathematics and studying in Azerbaijani, there would be a group of 25 or 50 students-mathematicians who study in Russian. Compare to 5 Central Asian republics where language of instruction at higher education was primarily Russian.
The learning was otherwise uniform: there was one textbook in definite subject, let say Botany, for the entire country, one curriculum for each course of study (physics, calculus, etc.). The positive aspect of this system was that the textbooks were of high quality and often updated.
On the negative side, it was difficult to inspire initiative and impossible to make changes. National identity was not reflected sufficiently in the curriculum. Corruption and bribery mostly in 1970-80th penetrated educational activities, entrance examinations.
Post-Soviet Azerbaijan’s education system has experienced changes, particularly in higher learning. There are now 28 state universities (with Soviet-like structures) and 17 private universities. State universities get about half their money from the state budget, and the other half from tuition. Private universities do not get any public funding. Here is some of the features influenced negatively to current education system in Azerbaijan :
Economy in transition with corruption and bribery,
Bad tax system, at least for educational system,
Poor libraries, weak access to knowledge and its development.
The phenomenon of globalization has its positive impact on education.
Finally, Dr. Isaxanli discussed Khazar University and its conception.
When Dr. Isaxanli taught as a visiting professor in Western Europe and the United States, he wrote a paper comparing different systems of education. At that time, it occurred to him that reform in Azerbaijan’s system was necessary, and could be done in two ways: 1) step by step reform of the entire higher education system or 2) start from zero, establishing a small university using new models, to become a synthesis of international outlook and national values. Government officials liked the idea of starting a new university, and although the government could not offer money, it did give Dr. Isaxanli permission to try.
Dr. Isaxanli used the money left over from his American and European salaries to hire 6-7 professors and open the doors to 20 students. He decided to establish English as the principal language of instruction so that his students could participate in exchanges, benefit from visiting professors, and use Western textbooks. He was searching for the appropriate model of education, particularly decided that the school should use a credit system (in comparison, in the Soviet system, a student that failed one class had to repeat the whole year). Khazar gets much of its funding from international foundations, including USIA.
It has a partnership with many universities, in Europe and in the US, including UCLA from the beginning.


Q. What are the basic requirements at Khazar University?
A. Students must take advanced English, Azerbaijani studies, and then they must fulfill distribution requirements in the social sciences, humanities, and sciences. It is similar to the American system, according to Isaxanli.

Q. How many students are there? How are they funded?
A. There are now about 1000 students at the university, 25{bfc55336e4ff6222fdefd37e4796b835df7d7e7d448a9434ed0d1257ecb5bff8} of who are graduate students / also from abroad /. The school has need-based and merit-based scholarships. About 15{bfc55336e4ff6222fdefd37e4796b835df7d7e7d448a9434ed0d1257ecb5bff8} of students have financial aid.

Q. Who are the teachers?
A. Many are some of Azerbaijan’s well-known professors (who teach at more than one University at once). Khazar also has many visiting professors teaching social sciences, which is advantageous compared to the state schools, where social scientists are mostly former Marxist-Leninists.

Q. What is the admissions process?
A. Even private universities cannot choose their own students. We have to sign up for central state exam system and request a certain number of students (and then sometimes bargain with the government). The system breeds corruption, as some private universities pay for students.

Q. What do Khazar graduates go on to do?
A. Most are employed by international companies; some are employed by the state. Some continue their education in the U.S., Europe. The most popular degree at Khazar is the MBA.[:de]

Am 25. April sprach Dr. Hamlet Isaxanli über aktuelle Trends in der aserbaidschanischen Ausbildung an der Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs an der Harvard Kennedy School of Government in einem des Kaspischen Studies Programs geförderten Seminar. Dr.Isaxanli ist Präsident und Gründer von Khazar Universität in Baku, Aserbaidschan. Khazar ist eine der ersten privaten Hochschulen in der ehemaligen Sowjetunion, und die erste in Aserbaidschan.
Khazar Universität ( wurde 1991 gegründet zur Verstärkung der Idee einer offenen, pluralistischen, demokratischen, marktwirtschaftlich orientierte Form der sozialen Organisation.
Dr. Isaxanli, ein ausgebildeter Mathematiker, begann mit einer Lektion in Geschichte.
Vor 1828, so erklärte er, es war im Grunde ein Aserbaidschan (Anstelle von zwei derzeit: erste, die Aserbaidschan Republik, die Teil der USSR war, und nun unabhängiger Staat ist, und die zweite, Aserbaidschan als Nord-Westen des Iran), wo das System der Bildung war wie in den Nahen Osten einige religiöse, einige säkulare Schulen. Main Unterrichtssprachen waren Farsi / Persisch / und Arabisch, und dann im späten Mittelalter auch aserbaidschanisches Turkic. Ab dem 14. Jahrhundert in der Poesie aserbaidschanische Sprache begann mit der persischen Sprache wettzueiferten und mehr und mehr eine führende Rolle zu spielen begann. Es gab eine Universität, Forschungs-und Trainingszentrum mit Sternwarte in Maragha, in der Nähe von Tabriz, im Mittelalter die unterschied sich in nicht-euklidische Geometrie, Trigonometrie, Astronomie, Physik und Ethik.
Allgemeinen Rückgang in der wissenschaftlichen Forschung und Bildung beginnt in der islamischen Welt am 14. Jahrhundert. Die religiöse Orientierung in die Lehrpläne der Schulen war eine Stärkung. Anzahl der hohequalifizierten Schulen sinkt und höhere Bildungseinrichtungen weiter existieren nur in wichtigen städtischen Zentren der islamischen Osten. In der Zeit der aserbaidschanischen Khanate / 18. Jahrhundert und der ersten Jahrzehnt des 19. Jahrhunderts / die Rolle der Aserbaidschanischen wird besser sichtbar in den Schulen.
Doch nach Turkmanchay Vertrag von 1828 zwischen Russland und dem Iran, der nördliche Teil dieses Volkes wurde Teil von Russland, und südlicher Teil Aserbaidschans bleibt dem Iran. Auch heutzutage ist das aserbaidschanische Volk zwischen zwei Ländern eingeteilt ist – die Republik Aserbaidschan oder “Nord-Aserbaidschan”, mit der Bevölkerung von 8 Mio.wo Sprecher der aserbaidschanischen Form der Sprache etwa 7 Millionen sind und der Iran, wo es 20-30 Millionen ethnische Aserbaidschaner sind (Bevölkerungschätzungen abweichen von Quelle zu Quelle). Die Bildungssysteme in diesen beiden Ländern sind sehr unterschiedlich. Wir werden kurz die Entwicklung des Bildungswesens in Nord-Aserbaidschan, des Vorläufers der modernen Republik Aserbaidschan und die aktuelle Trends in der aserbaidschanischen Bildungssystem besprechen.
Von 1828 bis 1918, zu Beginn der Russland-Politik wurde die Verwendung der aserbaidschanischen statt Persisch höcher geworden und dann begann der Unterricht in Russisch. Studienangebot und die Lehrpläne wurden in Zusammenarbeit zwischen Intellektuellen aus Aserbaidschan und der russischen Pädagogen entwickelt.Es gaben folgende Arten von Schulen:
Religiöse, aber mit Einführungskurse in weltliche Fächer,
Säkularen, mit der obligatorischen religiösen Lehrfächern,
Russisch – Tatar Schulen, weltliche und zweisprachig. Aus diese Schulen stammen die moderne aserbaidschanischee Intelligenz.
Studenten würden vor allem nach Russland und Europa gehen um die Hochschulbildung zu bekommen.
Die zweijährige Unabhängigkeitsperiod des Aserbaidschans (1918-1920), bevor es Teil der Sowjetunion wurde, war nicht genug, um ein nationales System der Bildung zu entwickeln, aber drei Dinge wurden festgelegt: 1) Einfluss der aserbaidschanischen Sprache ist stärker geworden sowie die Beanspruchung der Rechte von Bildungspolitik der Minderheiten, 2) Staatsuniversität Aserbaidschans wurde geründet (1920), 3) etwa hundert Studenten sind nach Europa gegangen um dort Hochschulbildung zu bekommen.
Die sowjetische Zeit brachte rasche Fortschritte in der Bildung, die zu 100{bfc55336e4ff6222fdefd37e4796b835df7d7e7d448a9434ed0d1257ecb5bff8} in 10-15 Jahren gestiegen sind. Unter der Sowjetunion gab es zwei Arten von höheren Bildungseinrichtungen: 1) Hochschulen, die 5-Jahres-Programme ähnlich wie MA oder MS-Programme bieten; jede Sowjetrepublik hatte eigenen Universitäten (in der kleinen Republiken nur eine), die mit amerikanischen Hochschulen der Künste und Wissenschaften in vielen Fällen mit dem Gesetz vereinbar waren. 2) Fachhochschuleinrichtungen (z. B. Institute der bildenden Kunst, der Wirtschaft, der Zivil- oder Petro-chemischeingenuierwissenschaft, der Pädagogik, usw.). Einige von ihnen boten vierjährige Programme wie BA oder BS, andere funfjährige Programme. Nach dem Studium an den Hochschulen und Instituten sollten die Wissenschaftler in einem dreijährigen Programm (aspirantura) weiterstudieren, um einen höcheren wissenschaftlichen Grad zu bekommen, so etwas wie ein US-amerikanischer Ph.D.
Eine der wichtigsten Reformen der sowjetischen Zeit war die progressive Sprachenpolitik: jeder Student könnte in seiner eigenen Sprache von Anfang bis zum Enden gebildeten sein. Ein Student deren Mutersprache Aserbaidschanisch war, könnten in Georgien in der aserbaidschanische Sprache studieren, Russisch als zweite Sprache wählen, und Französisch als Fremdsprache haben, und auch Grusinischunterricht haben, sagte Isaxanli (er ist in Georgien geboren). Unterrichtssprache in höheren Bildungseinrichtungen war meistens Aserbaidschanisch, Russisch war an zweiter Stelle, z. B. für eine Gruppe von 100 Studenten im Hauptfach Mathematik, die Aserbaidschanisch studierten, gäbe es eine Gruppe von 25 oder 50 Studenten-Mathematiker, die in der russische Sprache studierten. Im Vergleich mit 5 Republiken Zentralasiens, wo Unterrichtssprache an der Hochschulbildung vor allem Russisch war.
Das Lernen war sonst einheitlich: es gab ein Lehrbuch für bestimmtes Thema, zum Beispiel, Botanik, für das ganze Land, ein Curriculum für jedes Studium (Physik, Rechenmethode, etc.). Der positive Aspekt dieses Systems war, dass die Schulbücher von hoher Qualität und oft aktualisiert wurden.
Negative Seite: es war schwierig für die Initiative begeistern und unmöglich die Änderungen vorzunehmen. Nationale Identität wurde nicht ausreichend in den Lehrplänen widergespiegelt. Korruption und Bestechung vor allem in 1970-80 Jahren haben die pädagogische Aktivitäten, Aufnahmeprüfungen eingedrungen.
Post-Sovietisches Aserbaidschan hat das Bildungssystem verändert, vor allem die höheren Bildungseinrichtungen. Mittlerweile gibt es 28 staatliche Universitäten (mit sowjetischen Strukturen) und 17 private Universitäten. Staatlichen Universitäten erhalten etwa die Hälfte ihr Geld aus dem Staatshaushalt und die andere Hälfte von Studiengebühren. Private Hochschulen erhalte keine öffentlichen Mittel. Hier sind einige der Merkmale, die das aktuellen Bildungssystems in Aserbaidschan negativ beeinflusst:
Wirtschaft in Übergangsphase mit Korruption und Bestechung,
Schlechtes Steuersystems, zumindest für Bildungswesen,
Ärmlichen Bibliotheken, mangelndes Zugang zum Wissen und dessen Entwicklung
Das Phänomen der Globalisierung hat positive Auswirkungen auf die Bildung.
Schließlich erzählte Dr. Isaxanli über Khazar Universität und ihre Konzeption.
Als Dr. Isaxanli lehrte als Gastprofessor in Westeuropa und den Vereinigten Staaten, schrieb er ein Fachreferat um Vergleich verschiedener Bildungssysteme. Zu dieser Zeit fiel ihm ein, dass die Reform im System Aserbaidschan notwendig war, und konnte auf zwei Arten erfolgen: 1) Schritt für Schritt Reform des gesamten Hochschulsystems oder 2) Start von Null, zur Schaffung einer kleinen Universitätsstadt mit neuen Modellen, zu einer Synthese der internationalen Ausrichtung und nationalen Werte. Regierungsbeamten gefiel die Idee um eine neue Universität, und, obwohl die Regierung kein Geld geben könnte, gab sie Dr. Isaxanli Erlaubnis zu versuchen.
Dr. Isaxanli verwendet das übrig von seinem amerikanischen und europäischen Gehälter gebliebenen Geld um 6-7 Professoren einzustellen und die Türen für 20 Studenten zu offnen. Er beschloss Englisch als Hauptsprache des Unterrichts zu setzen, so, dass seine Schüler an einem Austausch teilnehmen, von Gastprofessoren profitieren und westlichen Lehrbüchern verwenden konnten. Er war auf der Suche nach dem richtigen Modell der Bildung, insbesondere entschieden, dass die Schule ein Credit-System verwenden sollten (zum Vergleich: in das sowjetische System, ein Schüler der ein Lehrfach versäumt hatte, sollte das ganze Jahr wiederholen). Khazar erhält einen großen Teil ihrer Finanzmittel von internationalen Stiftungen, einschließlich USIA.
Universität hat eine Partnerschaft mit vielen Universitäten in Europa und in den USA, einschließlich der UCLA von Anfang an.

Q. What are the basic requirements at Khazar University?
A. Students must take advanced English, Azerbaijani studies, and then they must fulfill distribution requirements in the social sciences, humanities, and sciences. It is similar to the American system, according to Isaxanli.
Q. How many students are there? How are they funded?
A. There are now about 1000 students at the university, 25{bfc55336e4ff6222fdefd37e4796b835df7d7e7d448a9434ed0d1257ecb5bff8} of who are graduate students / also from abroad /. The school has need-based and merit-based scholarships. About 15{bfc55336e4ff6222fdefd37e4796b835df7d7e7d448a9434ed0d1257ecb5bff8} of students have financial aid.
Q. Who are the teachers?
A. Many are some of Azerbaijan’s well-known professors (who teach at more than one University at once). Khazar also has many visiting professors teaching social sciences, which is advantageous compared to the state schools, where social scientists are mostly former Marxist-Leninists.
Q. What is the admissions process?
A. Even private universities cannot choose their own students. We have to sign up for central state exam system and request a certain number of students (and then sometimes bargain with the government). The system breeds corruption, as some private universities pay for students.
Q. What do Khazar graduates go on to do?
A. Most are employed by international companies; some are employed by the state. Some continue their education in the U.S., Europe. The most popular degree at Khazar is the MBA.[:]

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[:az]Humanitar və sosial elmlər üzrə tədqiqatçı[:ru]Исследователь в области гуманитарных и социальных наук[:] Thu, 12 Jan 2012 07:03:54 +0000 [:az]Professor Hamlet İsayevin (İsaxanlnın) elmi yaradıcılığ zəngin və çoxşaxəlidir. İsaxanlı soyadı onun humanitar və sosial elmlər sahəsində apardığı tədqiqatlarda, eləcə də şair kimi işlətdiyi soyadıdır. O, geniş ictimaiyyət arasnda indi daha çox Hamlet İsaxanlı kimi məşhurdur, riyaziyyat sahəsində və rəsmi sənədlərdə isə İsayev soyad ilə tanınır. Onun fəaliyyətində humanitar və sosial elmlərlə bağlı araşdrmalar da mühüm yer tutur. Universal yaradıcılıq potensialına malik olan alim bu sahələrə dair yüzlərlə məqalə və irihəcmli əsərlər müəllifidir. Bu əsərlərində ədəbiyyat və mədəniyyət tarixi, İslam sivilizasiyas, siyasi tarix, milli kimlik, tərcümə nəzəriyyəsi və tarixi və digər məsələlər özünəməxsus şəkildə tədqiq edilib və öz müəllifinə bu dəfə humanitar və sosial elmlər sahəsində bö­yük hörmət qazandırıb.
Alimin elm və təhsil tarixi və nəzəriyyəsi sahəsində yazdığı çoxsaylı əsərləri və ən nüfuzlu beynəlxalq məclislərdə çıxşlar onu məşhur elmtəhsil tarixçisi və nəzəriyyəçisi kimi tanıtmışdır. Hamlet İsayev (İsaxanlı) ölkəmizdə təhsil islahatlarının aparlmasnda, Bolonya sisteminin həyata keçirilməsində fəal iştirak edir. Azərbaycan təhsil sisteminin dünya təhsil sisteminə qovuşması məsələsi məhz onun geniş fəaliyyəti sayəsində gerçəkləşməyə başlamşdır. Bu və təhsil quruculuğu sahəsindəki digər böyük uğurlarna görə o, Azərbaycan Prezidenti yanında yaradılan nüfuzlu Təhsil Komissiyasnn üzvü seçilmişdir. Yeri gəlmişkən, Hamlet İsayev (İsaxanlı) bu komissiyann tərkibinə daxil edilmiş yeganə ali məktəb rektorudur.
Professor Hamlet İsayevin (İsaxanlının) həmmüəllif olduğu «Xaricilər üçün Azərbaycan dili» dərsliyi bu gün həm ölkəmizdə, həm də müxtəlif qitələrdə əcnəbi vətəndaşların ən çox müraciət etdiyi stolüstü kitaba çevrilib.
Tərcümə məsələləri, dil siyasəti və lüğətçilik işinin təşkili sahəsində onun xidmətləri təqdirəlayiqdir. Bu baxmdan alim öz fikir və mülahizələrini dövri mətbuatda dərc etdirdiyi məqalələrində, ayrayr elmi konfranslardak çıxşlarında, habelə iri-həcmli «Poetik tərcümə» əsərində ayıdn şəkildə ifadə edə bilmişdir.
Hamlet İsayev (İsaxanlı) vətənpərvər, öz xalqın ürəkdən sevən, azərbaycanpərəst bir şəxsiyyətdir. O, Azərbaycan həqiqətlərinin, mədəniyyətinin dünyada tannıması üçün əlindən gələni əsirgəmir. ABŞda nəşr olunan «Dünya ədəbiyyatı bu gün» jurnal ilə sıx əlaqə saxlayaraq bu jurnalda Azərbaycan ədəbiyyat nümunələrinin çap olunmasnı təşkil etməsi kimi misallar xeyli çoxaltmaq olar.
Bütün bunlarla yanaşı, professor Hamlet İsayev (İsaxanlı) uzun müddətdir ki, Xəzər Universitəsində hazırlanan və artıq iki cildi nəfis şəkildə işıq üzü görən 6 cildlik «Xəzər İngiliscə-Azərbaycanca Böyük Lüğət»­in redaktoru kimi çox ağır zəhmət tələb edən bir fəaliyyətlə də məşğuldur. Bu lüğət Azərbaycan elmi və mədəniyyətinin ən sanball nai­liy­­yətlərdən bi­ri­dir.


«Hamlet İsaxanlı. Bu dünyaya nə gətirdim…» kitabı əsasında
(müəlliflər: Knyaz Aslan və Vahid Ömərli).
Xəzər Universitəsi Nəşriyyatı, Bakı – 2005[:ru]Научное творчество профессора Гамлета Исахан­лы богатое и многостороннее. В математических кругах он известен как Гамлет Исаев. Фамилия Исаханлы исполь­зуется им в поэтическом творчестве, а также в исследованиях, проводимых в области гуманитарных и социальных наук. Исследования в этих областях занимают важное место в его деятель­ности. Учёный, с широчайщим охватом и обладающий огромным научным потенциалом является автором многочисленных статей и книг. В них подробно исследо­ваны теория и история литературы, культуры, науки и образования, цивили­зация ислама, политическая история, теория и история перевода, и другие вопросы. Эти произ­ведения, а также выступления на влиятельных международ­ных форумах принесли Гамлету Исаеву известность учё­ного-теоретика, вдабавок к его огромному организаторскому таланту.
Гамлет Исаханлы принимает активное учас­тие в реформах, проводимых нашей страной в области обра­зования, а также в реализации Болонской конвенции. Интеграция азербайджанской системы образования в международную начала осуществляться во многом благо­даря его активной деятельности. За эти и другие значи­тельные достижения в области образования он был избран членом влиятельной Комиссии по вопросам образования при президенте Азербайджанской Республи­ки.
Профессор Гамлет Исаханлы является одним из авторов учебного пособия «Азербайджанский язык для ино­странцев», ставшей настольной книгой для большин­ства иностранцев не только в нашей стране, но и зарубежом, на других континентах. Очевидны и несомненны его заслуги в об­ласти языковой политики, подготовки и издания словарей, теории перевода. Свои мысли и соображения о последнем он отразил в произ­ведении «Поэтические переводы. Поиск красоты внутри ограниченных рамок».
Гамлет Исаханлы – горячий патриот. Он прилагает все усилия, вносит свой вклад, чтобы мир узнал об Азербайджане, о культуре его народа. По инициативе Гамлета Иса­ханлы в журнале «Современная мировая литература» из­даю­­щимся в США, были опубликованы ряд произведений азербайджанской литературы. Это лишь один из многочис­ленных примеров его деятельности.
Гамлет Исаханлы уже долгое время пло­дот­ворно работает над 6-томным Боль­шим Хазаровским Англо – Азербайджан­ским словарём, возглавляя авторский коллектив, а также как ко-редактор. 2 тома словаря уже вышли в свет. Этот труд считается одним из лучших достижений современной Азербайджанской нау­ки и культуры.
Регулярные семинары по науке и искусстве («Elm və Sənət Məclisləri”), проводимые под руководством профессора Гамлета Исахан­лы, стали одним из главным событий науки и культуры последнего времени, чуть ли не единственным местом встречи многих известных деятелей науки и исскусства.

На основе книги «Гамлет Исаханлы. Что в этот мир принес я» (авторы Княз Аслан и Вахид Омарлы). Издательство Университетеа Хазар. Баку, 2005[:]

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